Sunday, July 27, 2008

Where are the Successes?

We have all types of organizations that offer lessons and information on advocacy, resources, legislative efforts, etc, concerning special needs children; but I haven't found many organizations that are aimed at celebrating the special needs child or celebrating what these children have to offer the world. This is where I want my focus to be.

So many organizations die or remain small due to counting on the families of special needs children to fund the efforts or projects. These families are usually looking for funding themselves and don't have the resources they need much less extra in which to help others. How can we change that?

One way, I think, is to offer success stories to those in power and/or those who are able to help with funding issues. People tire of the "poor me" or "this poor child" approach and they tend to automatically turn off. Every family with special needs children face obstacles everyday in the areas of: health, behavior, finances, and education. Where are the stories of progress, of what is working?

People also love things that make them laugh. Show them the comical side of life with special needs children (very different from laughing at special needs children), and it tends to melt icy attitudes and responses. This has been shown over and over again in other areas of life, why should our situation and call for help be any different?

I personally, want to know about the things that are working for others, and I want to be able to laugh within my circumstances. There have to be more people like this. Where are you?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dating? What's That?

You's when you actually get out of the sweat pants,
dress up, and head out to enjoy the company of a member of the opposite
sex. If you can't seem to recall how that's supposed to work, it's okay,
it took me a while to even get a mental image of what that looks like.

I found that I had completely lost the art of holding an adult
conversation. I vaguely remember having great grammar at one time, but
after years of having no one to talk to that has been over the age of
10, I found that my sentence structure really needed some help. Not to
mention that I would suddenly find that I had cut up the man's food and
was trying to feed him. I did, however, refrain, just in time, from
taking him to the potty.

Dating is an unmerciful activity, even when you are at your best, but,
what do you do if you have neglected yourself for years in order to keep
up with your child's medical issues, education plans, and emergencies?
Sleep deprivation kills brain cells. I use to be smarter and so much
better looking. Oh, and then there is the issue of sex. Do they have sex
education for 36 year old women who hope that they still know how to do
it right? If the man only knew!! I mean, the level of sexual frustration
that had built up, passed the hazardous stage years ago, and while most
men do love a challenge, I certainly do not want to be the cause of a
heart attack.

Note to self: Find local endurance athlete.

It's a good thing that, over the years, I've acquired the ability to
laugh at myself. Now, don't you laugh at me!! This has honestly been the
last year of my life.

The good news is that despite my fears, responsibilities, and
uncertainties, I've actually been having a great time. I've met some
very sweet and interesting people. I've had to weed out some really
strange ones as well, but those usually provide the best stories and

Anyway, if you are a single mom with a child/children who has
disabilities, I urge you to start making small trips back out into the
world of fun. Some of you are already miles ahead of me, but I'm sure
there are many who either haven't had the courage to venture out, or,
the thought that you need to has not even occurred to you. Let's face it
moms, we need a little TLC, and, believe me, the kids will definitely
appreciate the fact that you are no longer in danger of going postal.

Now, does anyone know a single man who has trained for a marathon?